Since our founding in 1995, we have specialized in flow control
and valve automation with an unwavering Vision.
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ATI Underscores Customer Commitment
Recently, ATI reached out to its customers to announce developments that we’ve made in the past year that underscore our customer commitment.
ATI embarked on a number of strategic initiatives which have resulted in higher quality systems and processes, increased engineering standards, and higher capacity to improve lead times as demand has increased. We incorporated Lean principles in our manufacturing and assembly facilities, starting with Visual Factory. We also received our ISO 9001:2008 and Pressure Equipment Directive (PED) certifications. In the past year, we doubled our engineering staff and invested $1.5MM in capital expenditures, primarily on state-of-the-art CNC machines.
These improvements have already resulted in lower lead times and higher quality. Since November, our lead times have decreased by 40%, and they continue to fall. A leading valve manufacturer and longtime ATI customer recently visited our facilities and commented that ATI had clearly grown from its small shop beginnings to a sophisticated customized valve automation and manufacturing organization that takes engineering and quality quite seriously.
For additional information, contact cetheridge@atiactuators.com