The ATI Automatic Station Bypass is designed to keep gas flowing in the event there are major compressor problems. This control solution was developed with reliability as the primary objective to ensure the Bypass Valve opens only when it is necessary. To achieve this objective, the proven Poppet Valve is combined with a reliable, differential pilot valve to form a stand-alone control module. The differential pressure valve monitors the suction and discharge pressures of the compressor station. When the differential drops below the adjustable setpoint, pilot gas is passed to the pilot of the poppet valve and control action is initiated. Utilizing the pipeline gas for both the pilot gas and power media makes the Automatic Station Bypass control system independent pf regulator and other power media failure. The design simplicity and minimal components ensure the bypass valve opens only when required. The Rate-of-Drop calibration kit provides accurate calibration of the trip point, as well as simulation of various operational failure scenarios for testing control action.